Registrar's Office


Residency for Tuition Purposes

For the purpose of determining tuition, applicants are classified as in-state (Alabama) or out-of-state (non-Alabama) students. 澳门在线赌城娱乐的住院医师指导方针是基于阿拉巴马州法典16-64,关于在该州所有公立高等教育机构的住院医师实践的学费目的. 任何以获得教育为主要目的在阿拉巴马州就读澳门在线赌城娱乐的学生都将被视为“非居民学生”. 学生居住分类的初步确定是由本科学生的招生办公室做出的, and by Graduate Programs for graduate students. 除非提供令人信服和令人满意的证据表明学生来澳门在线赌城娱乐并留在该州的原因发生了变化,否则学生的居住分类将在整个澳门在线赌城娱乐的教育期间保持不变.

Definitions and Descriptions

According to Alabama Code, Section 16, Chapter 64, A “resident student” is one who meets all of the following criteria:

  • has a specific permanent physical address or location within the State of Alabama;
  • has the intent to remain at this address indefinitely;
  • possesses more substantial connections with the State of Alabama than with any other state;
  • is not a minor; however, 在注册时为未成年人的学生,可以根据资助人提供的证据确认他/她符合上述标准而获得重新分类.

Section 16-64-1 Definitions
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:

(1) MINOR. An individual who, because of age, lacks the capacity to contract under Alabama law. Under current law, 这是指19岁以下的单身人士和18岁以下的已婚人士, 但不包括因在阿拉巴马州建立合法住所以外的原因而被有管辖权的法院解除其成年残疾的个人. If current law changes, this definition shall change accordingly.

(2) RESIDENCE. 一个人居住的单一地点,并打算无限期地在该地点居住,证明与该地点的联系比与任何其他地方的联系更紧密.

(3) RESIDENT. One whose residence is in the State of Alabama.

(4) RESIDENT/NONRESIDENT STUDENT. In determining resident or nonresident classification, the primary issue is one of intent. If a person is in Alabama primarily for the purpose of obtaining an education, that person shall be considered a nonresident student.

(5) SUPPORTING PERSON. Either or both of the parents of the student, if the parents are living together, or if the parents are divorced or living separately, then either the parent having legal custody or, if different, the parent providing the greater amount of financial support. If both parents are deceased or if neither has legal custody, supporting person shall mean, in the following order: the legal custodian of the student, the guardian, and the conservator.

Establishing Residency

Section 16-64-2 Requirements for qualification as resident student; rules and guidelines.
(a) For purposes of admission and tuition, 公立高等教育机构可以认为住宿学生包括下列任何一项:

(1) One who, at the time of registration, is not a minor and satisfies one of the following:

a. 是否该学生所就读院校的全职长期雇员或该雇员的配偶.
b.能证明在阿拉巴马州的全职永久工作,或者是该雇员的配偶,并将在注册后90天内开始工作.c. 是否被注册院校聘为研究生助理或研究员.
e.是否在州际学院或大学联盟的项目或课程中学习,该学院或大学要么向该项目中的阿拉巴马州居民提供互惠的居民学生学费,要么由阿拉巴马州以外的学院或大学提供课程, 或者通过州际学院或大学联盟注册一个或多个课程,该联盟对所有注册该课程或项目的学生以统一的费率评估学费.
f.  Is, at the time of passage of this chapter, 在公立学院或大学入学的学生,目前因学费而被归类为居民,前提是该学生继续在该机构就读.

(2) One who, at the time of registration, is a minor and whose supporting person satisfies one of the following:

a. Is a full-time permanent employee of the institution at which the student is registering.
c. Is an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.

(b) For purposes of admission and tuition, 公立高等教育机构应认为住宿学生包括下列任何一项:

(1) One who, at the time of registration, is not a minor and satisfies one of the following:

a. 在阿拉巴马州有全职现役的美国军人或其配偶在非上学命令下驻扎吗.
b. Commencing on May 22, 2012, 在学生有资格获得居民学费之前,已经是阿拉巴马州国民警卫队的成员至少两年,并且在公立高等教育机构注册期间继续是阿拉巴马州国民警卫队的成员.
c. Is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, 但该退伍军人已成为阿拉巴马州居民,并至少满足下列条件之一:

1. The veteran has served on active duty for a continuous period of time, not less than two years, 并在阿拉巴马州公立高等教育机构注册五年内获得美国国防部表格214证明的光荣退伍.
2. 这位老兵目前在美国武装部队的预备役部队服役, as verified by a memorandum from the commanding officer of the veteran student.
3. 这名退伍军人被美国退伍军人事务部认定为与服役有关的残疾.

d. 一名居住在阿拉巴马州校园90英里以内的州外退伍军人,他在一所学校就读,而该学校的董事会投票通过,允许现役和退役军人在州内接受非居民学费.

(2) One who, at the time of registration, 是未成年人,并且其赡养人是驻扎在阿拉巴马州的全职现役美国军人,而不是在上学.

(3) One who, at the time of registration, 全日制本科学生就读的学校,其校董会是否已授权给那些获得部分或全额奖学金以表彰其特殊才能或能力的非居民学生,适用居民学费标准, 前提是该学生在最初入学时就具备天赋或能力,并在该机构保持持续的奖学金资格.

(c)州内每一所公立高等教育机构的董事会应通过必要的规则和指导方针来实施本条. 立法机关的意图是按照宪法规定设立符合本条规定的董事会.
(Acts 1996, No. 96-663, p. 1088, §2; Act 2012-505, p. 1488, §1; Act 2013-331, p. 1161, §1; Act 2013-423, p. 1692, §§1, 2.)

In addition to those students who qualify according to the University’s Residency Guidelines, the following individuals shall be charged the in-state/in-district rate, or otherwise considered a resident, for tuition purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill® – Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®), of title 38, United States Code, 在阿拉巴马州上学期间住在阿拉巴马州的学生(无论他/她的正式居住地是哪个州).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. §3319)在阿拉巴马州上学期间居住在阿拉巴马州的人(无论他/她的正式居住地是哪个州).
  • 以上所述的任何人,只要他或她继续注册(除了在课程之间的定期休息时间), semesters, or terms) at the same school. 如此描述的人必须在第30章或第33章下使用教育福利, of title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311(b)(9))在阿拉巴马州上学期间居住在阿拉巴马州(无论其正式居住州如何).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® benefits (38 U.S.C. §3319)在阿拉巴马州就读学校期间居住在阿拉巴马州(无论他/她的正式居住州),并且转让人是现役军人.
  • Anyone using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation/Employment (VR&E), also be charged the resident rate.

Evaluation of Connections to Alabama:

Section 16-64-3 Certification of residency; evaluation of connections with State of Alabama.

(1)    A specific address or location within the State of Alabama as his or her residence.
(2)    An intention to remain at this address indefinitely.

(b)虽然地址证明和无限期留在该州的意图是确立居民身份的先决条件, 该机构应通过评估与阿拉巴马州是否存在联系来最终确定其地位. This evaluation shall include the consideration of all of the following connections.

(1) Consideration of the location of high school graduation.
(2) Payment of Alabama state income taxes as a resident.
(4) Full-time employment in the state.
(5) Residence in the state of a spouse, parents, or children.
(6) Previous periods of residency in the state continuing for one year or more.
(7) Voter registration and voting in the state; more significantly, 学生在阿拉巴马州公立高等教育机构首次登记前至少一年在该州继续进行选民登记.
(9) Ownership of personal property in the state, payment of state taxes on the property, and possession of state license plates.
(10) Continuous physical presence in the state for a purpose other than attending school, except for temporary absences for travel, military service, and temporary employment.
(12) Maintenance in the state of checking and savings accounts, safe deposit boxes, or investment accounts.
(13) In-state address shown on selective service registration, driver’s license, automobile title registration, hunting and fishing licenses, insurance policies, stock and bond registrations, last will and testament, annuities, or retirement plans.

Factors which may show more connections with a state other than Alabama include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • A student maintains significant ties to another state, including driver’s license, voter registration, permanent address, etc.;
  • 学生在阿拉巴马州入学前不久或刚入学后就开始在该州生活;
  • 非阿拉巴马州居民的父母或其他人在学费和生活费方面提供最低或偶尔的经济支持;
  • 学生被父母或其他不是阿拉巴马州居民的人声称为受抚养人.
  • 学生从不在阿拉巴马州居住的父母或资助人那里获得教育或个人贷款.

International Students

国际学生可以申请居留重新分类,但必须有能力无限期地留在阿拉巴马州, (i.e. US Permanent Resident Card-USCIS form I-551), and also meet the requirements as listed in these guidelines.

Residency Application Process

希望申请居留权重新分类的学生必须向注册办公室提交居留权重新分类申请 不迟于申请住院医师重新分类的学期第一天上课. 申请必须经过公证,并提交一份个人陈述,并附有证明文件.

申请被注册办公室拒绝的学生可以在决定后30天内提交书面上诉请求. 一个由三名澳门在线赌城娱乐员工组成的小组将审查申请并提出意见. The decision of this panel is final.

正在审查居住申请的学生的注册付款截止日期不能延长. If reclassification is approved, a non-resident tuition refund will be issued in the manner by which it was paid.

Application for Reclassification of Residence

Application for Reclassification of Residence FILLABLE
